Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Details & Information About Takchang

    Details Of Takchang
                            Takchang(ताकछाङ )is Small & Beautiful Countryside (Village) in East Sikkim, India, having around 320-350 population under 40 roofs (Houses) It is 31.6Km. far from capital city of Sikkim (Gangtok). It is around 1200m (approximately) above  the sea level. Linked road from Tarethang via taxi & foot way from Lepcha Dara (Mamring) as well as Rangpo Khola (Khaharee). In the Northern part of Takchang we can find a very beautiful hill called "GUPHA DARA"(गुफा डाडा) where believed that a monk had 3 years long underground meditation as a customs of Tibetan religion in early 17th century . Some times Army Camp used to Settled over there for 2/3 months. At present an attempt is made by Sagar Publication Takchang to establish a memorial forest (Smritibaan)where anyone can plant any type of sapling in the memory of their passed member of the family  . This small and beautiful village is bounded by Ralang River in Southern part, Upper Tarethang in the East & Kapurpathey in western part.              
Here live the people like Lepcha, Bhutia & Nepali speaking Sikkimese. Though here live the different castes having different Customs & culture but there is Unity in Diversity.
             The word "TAKTSONG" is derived from Lepcha (Tibetan) language. The word Tak means Tiger and Tshong means House. So it means The House of a Tiger is Taktsong. According to the Folk stories and the old people reside in this village call "Bagh Khor" in Nepali language where there people had to scared from the Tiger. The Book "Takchang Ko Ittehas" written by Achut Sharma says that people used to find many Tigers in early 17th century. Here live the people of different castes & crites  beside that there are many sub castes or title of those people like (Neupane, Ghimire, Koirala, Bastola, Dulal, Dangal, Luitel, Rai, Rongkup( Lepcha), Chauhan, Thapa, Bishwakarma, Lohar and so on.
        Slowly people started saying the name of the village from Taktsong to Taksong and nowadays it has came upto Takchang(ताकछाङ ). continue............

         Actually Takchang  was a separate village before but later Jointly three villages (Takchang, Kapurpathey & Kaizaley) became  one ward of  Amba block under Pakyong Sub Division & Paathing constituency(Zone) and named as a" Takchang Kaizaley". So now Takchang Kaizaley expands upto Rangpo Khola (River) in South, Tarethang in East & West and Gupha Dara in North.
                        We can view the sites face to face like Mt. Kanchanjunga, Mamring, Amba, Pacheykhani, Dugalakha, Pakyong Bazar & Under construction Airport.Lashithang etc. from Takchang . If we go to Gupha Dara can be viewed different part of East Sikkim.
 People are mainly engaged in occupation like house farming, Agriculture, shopkeeper, teaching, Horticulture etc. Most of the youngsters are away from the village coz of their job. Youngsters from the village are engaged in Private & Govt. sector in Capital city Gangtok, some other states as well as abroad (Foreign)for their studies & job too. There is a Government school too in the middle of the village. People engaged in agriculture produce as their main crops every year Paddy (Dhaan), Maize (Makkai), Millate (Kodho), Ginger (Adhuwa), Other vegetables products & less quantity of cardamom ( Aalinchi) too.      Please visit once and get the idea of Takchang
Have a nice Trip
            "Well Come To Takchang(ताकछाङ )"

                   Details Added by:
                    Sharma Prittam (Dulal)
    Takchang (ताकछाङ )East-Sikkim 
Current city: Kathmandu, Nepal

Lt. Passang Kit Lepcha 


Sunday, August 31, 2003

ताकछाङ -सिक्किम

ताकछाङ :- (अंग्रेजी:Takchang) भारतको,पूर्व सिक्किम पाकिम नजिकै को एक गाउँ हो। ताकछाङ राज्धानि   गान्तोक देखि ३०॰७ कि॰ मी टाढ़ा छ । गाउँको जनसंख्या लगभग ३५०-४०० छ। जातीय नेपाली र लेप्चा यस गाउँका मुख्य रैथाने हुन्। ऐतिहासिक स्रोत अनुसार शब्द "ताकस्रोङ" लेप्चा (रोङ) भाषा बाट लिइएको हो। शब्द ताक को अर्थ "बाघ" र सोङ को अर्थ "घर" ऱ पूरा अनुवाद " बाघ को घर"  हो।

 भुगोल :-ताकछाङ  २७॰१८ॱ उत्तर र ८८॰५३ॱ पुर्व  मा स्थित छ । यो समुद्र स्तहबाट (लगभग) १९०० मि॰ माथि छ।

ताकछाङ सम्बन्धित लोक कथा :-एउटा लोक कथा र त्यहाँका बासिन्दा बाघ देखि डराउँथे ।  जहाँ वृद्ध नागरिक अनुसार यस गाउँलाई "बाघखोर " (बाघको खोर) को नाम भन्निथ्यो । अचुत शर्मा द्वारा लिखित  पुस्तक('' '' 'ताकछाङको ईतिहास' '' '')  मा लेखिएको छ कि, यहाँ प्रारम्भिक १७औं सताब्दी मा धेरै बाघ पाउने गरिन्थ्यो ।यसैले बिस्तारै ट्रुकसोङ देखि टाक्सोङ र आजकल यो ताकछाङ गाउँको नामले प्रचलित छ। 

धर्म एंव संस्कृति :-विभिन्न जात-जातिका मानिसहरू यहाँ आफ्नै धर्म पालन गर्छन ।[[बौद्ध ]] र [[हिन्दू ]]धर्म मुख्य धर्म भएता पनि,गाउँलेहरू धेरै उप धर्म (धार्मिक गुटको)पालन  पनि गर्ने गर्छन् । गाउँमा दुई मन्दिरहरू छन् राम मन्दिर र दुर्गा मन्दिर । गाउँको उत्तरी भाग मा स्थित एक सुन्दर पहाड छ जसलाई  '''गुफा डाडा''' भनिन्छ । एक भिक्षु प्रारम्भिक 17 औं सताब्दी मा बौद्ध धर्म (तिब्बती धर्म) को एक नस्ल रूपमा तीन वर्ष लामो भूमिगत मनन (योग) गरेका थिए भन्ने  विश्वास छ । यो सैन्य शिविरको रूपमा कहिलेकाहीं २/३ महिना लागि त्यहाँ  भारतीय सेना द्वारा एक बन्दोबस्त रूपमा प्रयोग गरिन्थ्यो। वर्तमान मा सागर प्रकाशन  द्वारा एक प्रयास एक स्मारक वन(स्मृतिवन) स्थापना गरिएको छ ।  कसैले पुर्खाहरूको आफ्नो मृतक सदस्य को स्मृतिमा बिरुवाको कुनै पनि प्रकार प्रत्यारोपण गर्न सक्छन्।

जनसंख्या तथ्याङ्क :-विभिन्न जातजातिहरुको बसोबास रहेको यस गाउँमा धेरै थर (उप-जात)(Titles)का मानिसहरु  बसछन्, जस्तै नेउपाने, घिमिरे, कोइराला, बास्तोला, दुलाल,दंगाल,लुइटेल, राई, लेप्चा(रंगकोप), चौहान, थापा इत्यादि..... । जनसंख्या तथ्याङ्क अनुसार ३०-३५ घर-धुरि भित्र ४०० देखि ४३० मानिस यस गाउँमा बसोबास गर्नेगर्छ्न ।

अर्थव्यवस्था :-मानिसहरू मुख्यतः प्राथमिक क्षेत्रजस्तै घर खेती, कृषि, स-साना व्यापार, बागवानी आदि  मा व्यस्त छन् ।  जवानहरू सबै गाउँ देखि टाढा आफ्नो कामको  निम्ति व्यस्त  छन्।  जवानहरू आफ्नो निजी र सरकारी  कामका लागी गाउँ देखि टाढा छन्। आफ्नो अध्ययन र कामका निम्ति राज्यको राजधानी गान्तोक  क्षेत्रमा र केही अन्य अमेरिका साथै विदेशमा पलायन पनि भएकाछन् । गाउँको बीचमा एक सरकारी विद्यालय  पनि छ। गाउँको कृषि उत्पादनमा समावेश धान,मकै,कोदो,अदुवा,साग-सब्जी,अलैची ।